Ectoparasitic skin diseases of domestic ruminants caused by mange mites, lice, fleas, keds and ticks are among the serious diseases causing enormous economic losses to smallholder farmers, the tanning industry and the country as a whole. Infestation with ectoparasites is responsible for blood loss, irritation which results in downgrading and rejection of skins, poor growth, decreased production and reproduction and mortality. Even though ectoparasites of ruminants can be controlled by using synthetic commercial acaricides, their accessibility and affordability to the poor farmers, development of drug resistance and their profound impact on the environment makes them less preferable compared to other alternatives such as medicinal plants. Thus urgent action has to be designed to evaluate acaricidal efficacy of the traditionally used medicinal plants against ectoparasitic skin diseases of domestic ruminants in Ethiopia.
Worku Gemechu, Asfaw Meresa, Firewhiwot Teka, Tesfaye Berhau, Ashenif Tadele. An ethno botanical review on medicinal plants used for the management ectoparasitic skin diseases of ruminants. J Med Plants Stud 2019;7(4):212-224.