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Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
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P-ISSN: 2394-0530, E-ISSN: 2320-3862

2019, Vol. 7, Issue 4, Part D

The diversity of wild edible fruit plants and traditional knowledge in West Aceh region, Indonesia

Adi Bejo Suwardi, Zidni Ilman Navia, Tisna Harmawan, Syamsuardi and Erizal Mukhtar

Rural communities in the West Aceh region continue to collect and consume many edible wild fruit plants as a food source. This study was an account of the traditional knowledge and use of wild edible fruit plants by local people in the West Aceh region. The study was conducted in Sungai Mas and Pante Ceureumen, West Aceh Regency, between April and June 2019. Plant specimens have been gathered from the forest, agroforestry and home garden. A total of 100 informants (50 informants at each site) were involved in the survey of Ethnobotanical data. The questionnaires used to investigate the local name of the species, the habitats, the location of the collection, the season of collection, the parts used, the categories of use and the manner of fruit consumption. A total of 44 species of edible fruit plants recorded in West Aceh region, Aceh Province, Indonesia. The Myrtaceae and Malvaceae were the most represented families. Baccaurea motleyana, Durio zibethinus, Garcinia mangostana, Lansium domesticum, Mangifera odorata, and Mangifera foetida were the top six most common wild edible fruits in this region. The local community uses wild edible fruit species for food (44 species), medicine (11 species), construction materials (9 species), furniture (9 species) and firewood. D. zibethinus, M. foetida, M. odorata, M. quadrifida, B. motleyana, L. domesticum, G. xanthochymus, and G. mangostana are also commonly traded in traditional markets.
Pages : 285-290 | 1800 Views | 376 Downloads

Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
How to cite this article:
Adi Bejo Suwardi, Zidni Ilman Navia, Tisna Harmawan, Syamsuardi, Erizal Mukhtar. The diversity of wild edible fruit plants and traditional knowledge in West Aceh region, Indonesia. J Med Plants Stud 2019;7(4):285-290.
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