A study on medicinal and commercial uses of sacred groves of Namakkal district, Tamil Nadu, India
Bhuvaneswari Manoharan and Ravinder Singh Chinnappan
Conservation of biodiversity is essential and major goal for us to protect the environment. Traditional belief with sanctified manners had a vital role in the conservation of plants and their habitat. People across the Nations had an immense belief in their spiritual habitation and sustainability. It promotes us to protect the plants and utilize them in different medicine from the sacred groves to the level of in-situ type of conservation. Indigenous people and the local communities depend on the sacred grooves for their spiritual and medicinal purpose. But in recent years the urbanisation plays an adverse impact on the loss of plant diversity and destruction rate also be increased gradually.
In this present investigation, we conducted periodic field survey during the months of December 2018 to July 2019. This study was performed to expose the conservation strategy of floristic diversity of sacred groves and its associated species were recorded in the entire Taluks of Namakkal district, Tamil Nadu, India. Also the medicinal and commercial value of all the plant species were documented for future reference. We found 88 miniature Sacred Groves in our study area. Totally 77 species belongs to 37 families were documented. From this study the family Fabaceae species were found to be dominant and Azadirachta indica is keystone species, it is found in 63 groves in the study area.
Bhuvaneswari Manoharan, Ravinder Singh Chinnappan. A study on medicinal and commercial uses of sacred groves of Namakkal district, Tamil Nadu, India. J Med Plants Stud 2019;7(5):101-107.