Content of trace elements, 137Cs and 40K in bioindicators and soils from Kyiv (Ukraine)
Anna A Grodzinskaya, Vitaliy B Nebesnyi, Anatoliy I Samchuk and Hanna Yu Honchar
In leaves of Tilia cordata Mill., and soils from Kyiv localities with different levels of anthropogenic impact, total concentrations of Ni, Cr, Cu, Pb, Cd, and Hg were determined using mass-spectrometry with inductively cupled plasma, and activities of 137Cs and 40K were measured with gamma-spectrometry. Also in bodies of Apis mellifera Linnaeus 23 mineral elements (including toxic and heavy metals) were determined with mass-spectrometry. Even taking into account only six heavy metals, it can be concluded that all urboecotopes undergo a complex technogenic load. The total hazard ratios in soils (reflecting the multiplicity of exceedance of the maximum permissible levels) were in the intervals: in parks - 21.24 to 83.91; in areas adjacent to residential – from 45.11 to 63.22; along roads with middle traffic from 34.59 to 54.32; along highways with intensive traffic - from 48.39 to 94.34; at industrial zone – 120.12.
Anna A Grodzinskaya, Vitaliy B Nebesnyi, Anatoliy I Samchuk, Hanna Yu Honchar. Content of trace elements, 137Cs and 40K in bioindicators and soils from Kyiv (Ukraine). J Med Plants Stud 2019;7(5):115-125.