Study of green tea collected from Maheswari tea Estate, Assam
Dhrubajyoti Sarma, NK Deka Baruah, IR Barsaikia, Dr. RK Sharma, Dr. A Baishya, Z Mozumder, H Sarma, N Sarma and D Kakoty
Green tea is obtained from the plant Camellia sinensis belonging to family Theacae. Green tea is a popular neutraceutical as an antioxidant [1]. From ancient times tea is drunk worldwide as a beverage in the form of a decoction because of its several beneficial effect. It was used to detoxify the body [2].This attracted many scientists to work on green tea and discover its therapeutic properties. One of them is its Antioxidant properties. The green tea of Maheswari tea Estate showed some significant results of lowering the blood glucose level to some patients those who were consuming this green tea as an Antioxidant. Considering this, the present article has been focused on the antioxidant aspect of green tea as well as the antidiabetic properties and evaluation of its chemical constituents. This includes the history of this green tea, its pharmacognostical study, chemical constituents. And finally scope of green tea for further research and in designing and formulating drugs of it has been pondered over.
Dhrubajyoti Sarma, NK Deka Baruah, IR Barsaikia, Dr. RK Sharma, Dr. A Baishya, Z Mozumder, H Sarma, N Sarma, D Kakoty. Study of green tea collected from Maheswari tea Estate, Assam. J Med Plants Stud 2019;7(6):85-88.