Ethnomedicinal studies on aquatic plants of tehsil Shakargarh, Punjab, Pakistan
Mubarak Ali, Iram Mujahid Iqbal, Asad Shabbir, Zaheer-UD-Din Khan and Muhammad Tariq Adnan Khan
The present work was aimed to conduct the ethnobotanical studies of aquatic flora of Tehsil Shakargarh, Punjab to record their medicinal uses through discussions with the local people especially medicinal healers. Regular field surveys were made to collect aquatic plants and interviews of local people and medicinal healers were carried out during October 2015- April 2017. The basic information on the uses of conventional medicinal plants was documented. A total of 42 plant species belonging to 32 families were found ethno medicinally important, to cure different human disorders and diseases, i.e. skin problems, asthma, gonorrhea, ulcer, stomach pain and piles. Different plant parts such as seeds, roots, stems, barks, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds were being used for the preparation of herbal medicines. The study area encompasses plenty of aquatic habitats, which are commonly inhabited by a variety of aquatic plants. A little work has been carried out on these hydrophytes. Thus, there is a need to carry out an ethnomedicinal study on these plants.