Hot pepper (Capsicum annum L.) production using different organic manure and inorganic fertilizer in Akure, Nigeria
Akande Gladys Monisola, Dr. Olaiya Peter Aiyelari and Iyagin Faith Olayinka
Experiment on Capsicum annum production using different organic manure and inorganic fertilizer was conducted at the Crop Type’s Museum of Crop, Soil and Pest Management Department of Federal University of technology, Akure Nigeria. The treatments used were: (T1) Neem seed fertilizer @ 300kg/ha, (T2) sunshine organomineral fertilizer @300kg/ha, (T3) Ahes @5tonn/ha, (T4) cow dung @5tonn/ha, (T5) poultry manure @ 5tonn/ha, (T6) sheep and goat dung @5tonn/ha, (T7) pig dung @ 5tonn/ha, (T8) N.P.K @300kg/ha and (T9) control replicated three time. Plant height (cm), number of leaves, number of branches, stem girth (cm), cumulative number of fruits and weight of fruits (g) were measured. Results from the study showed that, highest yield value was obtained in plots where 300kg/ha of sunshine organomineral fertilizer was applied while lowest yield value was obtained in control. This suggested that for optimum production of pepper, 300kg/ha of sunshine organomineral fertilizer may be applied particularly in the study area and its environment.
Akande Gladys Monisola, Dr. Olaiya Peter Aiyelari, Iyagin Faith Olayinka. Hot pepper (Capsicum annum L.) production using different organic manure and inorganic fertilizer in Akure, Nigeria. J Med Plants Stud 2020;8(2):49-53.