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Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
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P-ISSN: 2394-0530, E-ISSN: 2320-3862

2020, Vol. 8, Issue 3, Part A

Pharmacological and therapeutic attributes of garlic (Allium sativum Linn.) with special reference to Unani medicine-A review

Abdul Nasir, Gazala Fatma, Naziya Neshat and M Aftab Ahmad

Garlic, (Allium sativum) Linn. is a member of the family Liliaceae. It is known as Seer (Persian) and Saum (Arabic) in unani medicine, similarly in Sanskrit, garlic is commonly known as lahsuna or rasona. Garlic plays important role in daily diet and also helps in maintaining good health that’s why it is widely used as diet and medicine. The effects of garlic (Seer) have been largely attributed as Muhallil, Mulattif, Jali Musakhkhin, Mufatteh urooq, Mudirr-e- Baul (Diuretic), Muqatte-Akhlate ghaleeza, Muraqqiqe dam, antihyperlipidemic, antiphypertensive, antibacterial, antifungal, antidiabetic, anticarcinogenic, hepatoprotective activities. Garlic has many health benefits and has been traditionally used worldwide. The wealth of scientific literature supports the significant effects in Hummiyat kuhna (Intermittent fevers), Nazla muzmin (chronic catarrhs), Shaheeqa (whooping coughs), Sara’a (epilepsy), Dama (asthma), Deafness, Retention of urine, Zaheer (amoebic dysentery), Haiza (cholera), Zaghtuddam Qawi (hypertension), Ziyabetus (diabetes), Warme Meda (gastritis), Dafa-e-Ta’affun (anti-infective), Falij (paralysis), Hysteria, Asthma, Niqras (gout), Irqunnisa (sciatica), Jarab (scabies), Bars (Leucoderma) and very effective in scorpion bite. The essential chemical components of Garlic are helpful in daily routine for making physic fit which mainly from its main ingredient, allicine and others are diallyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide, 1-propenyl allyl thiosulfonate, allyl methyl thiosulfonate etc.
This drug is used in traditional medicine since long time and reference goes to Hippocrates and Avicena, so, this article briefly reviews the pharmacological and various therapeutic aspect of garlic which is mentioned in conventional medicine as well as Unani system of medicine.
Pages : 06-09 | 1933 Views | 715 Downloads

Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
How to cite this article:
Abdul Nasir, Gazala Fatma, Naziya Neshat, M Aftab Ahmad. Pharmacological and therapeutic attributes of garlic (Allium sativum Linn.) with special reference to Unani medicine-A review. J Med Plants Stud 2020;8(3):06-09.
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