Effect of triacontanol on biochemical attributes and yield of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)
BP Singh, RP Raghava
Triacontanol (TRIA: Miraculan a result of D Nosil) a functioning development substance, a part of epicuticular waxes of alfa-alfa (Medicago spit: Chibnall et al. 1933). Which at low focuses expanded the development and yield of oil yielding harvest sesame. Miracuian expanded chlorophyll, carotenoid dry weight and grain yield by foliar application during preflowering, blossoming and post blooming stages at various focus levels (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 ppm). Among all the concentrations applied 2 ppm was seen as successful and development advancing than different focuses and control. TRIA favours Yield due to enhanced availability of organic precursors resulting from increased photosynthetic efficiency.