Hepatoprotective activity of medicinal plants: A mini review
Divya Jain, Priya Chaudhary, Aarti Kotnala, Rajib Hossain, Kiran Bisht and Mohammad Nabil Hossain
A phytotherapeutic approach for the development of modern drug agents can provide various vital drugs from the conventional medicinal plants. Exploration of pure phytocompounds as drug agent is expensive and time taken. Various plants and their herbal formulations are found to be useful for the cure of liver diseases. However, in some cases, the results of treatment are not up to the mark but experimental studies are carried out on a number of valuable plants and their formulations. The therapeutic efficacy is tested against some chemically induced liver damages in liver cancer cell lines and animal models. Antioxidants from the medicinal plants and common dietary sources can provide protection against the liver damages caused by the chemicals and oxidative stress mechanism.