Nine medicinal plants used in management of HIV/AIDS in Kisii County, Kenya
Mokua Gladys Nyamoita, Maroko Geoffrey Mokua, Nyakundi Augustus Onchari and Onyambu Meshack Ondora
In view of the challenges people living with HIV/AIDS face in accessing health care services, approaches based on natural products can play an integral role in tackling the disease. Unfortunately, medicinal plants used in HIV/AIDS management by the Kisii community have not been documented despite their use since time immemorial. The current study therefore aimed at documenting the traditional medicine in management of the disease in Kisii County. Data was obtained through semi-structured oral interviews of fifteen traditional healers from the County. Nine plant species used are Opuntia ficus-indica, Aloe vera, Carissa edulis, Triumfetta macrophylla, Clerodendrum myricoides, Leonotis nepetifolia, Maesa lanceolata, Prunus africanus and Azadirachta indica. The remedies are formulated into liquid and powder forms which are administered as a combination orally. Isolation of the metabolites responsible for the plants’ activities and data on preclinical and clinical trials on the herbs and their extracts will be of fundamental importance.
Mokua Gladys Nyamoita, Maroko Geoffrey Mokua, Nyakundi Augustus Onchari, Onyambu Meshack Ondora. Nine medicinal plants used in management of HIV/AIDS in Kisii County, Kenya. J Med Plants Stud 2020;8(5):197-203.