Phytochemical screening and GC-MS studies of Cyperus compressus Rottb.
A Pauldasan, I Arockiyaehil Therese and V Anand Gideon
Cyperus corymbosus Rottb. is a potential species with wide range of medicinal and pharmacological application. Apart from the medicinal values the Cyperus is used as an important traditional handicraft of Tamil Nadu which is famous for its Korai - a dry grass mat, Cyperus corymbosus has been cultivated in the few districts of Tamil Nadu naturally grown in the banks of rivers and marshy areas. In the present study, methanol extract from leaves, stem and rhizomes were analyzed for preliminary test for secondary metabolites and the chemical constitution of the rhizome extract was analyzed by Gas Chromatography Mass - spectroscopy (GC- MS). The preliminary phytochemical screening of various extracts showed the presence of secondary metabolites. GC-MS analysis of the methanol extracts of rhizome revealed the presence of twenty six chemical compounds. The major chemical compounds were n-Hexadecanoic acid and Cyclopropanepentanoic acid, 2- undecyl-, methyl ester (21.45 %) followed by Oleic acid (13.02 %), Z-8- Methyl-9- tetradecenoic (10.16 %), 4,5-di-epi-aristolochene (7.388), Trans,-13-octadecenoic (4.877 %), and least chemical compounds were 5-octadecene, Caryophyllene oxide (2.363), alfa-copaene (0.411 and ledene oxide-(II) (0.007). Thus, the study may possess C. corymbosus to be an important source of photochemical of immense pharmaceutical significance.
A Pauldasan, I Arockiyaehil Therese, V Anand Gideon. Phytochemical screening and GC-MS studies of Cyperus compressus Rottb.. J Med Plants Stud 2020;8(6):90-93.