Ethno medicinal plants used for dental health care in Almora district, Uttarakhand
Himani Tiwari and Manju Lata Upadhyaya
Oral diseases and dental disorders are major health problems in all over the world. The use of ethno-medicinal plants to treat dental problems has discussed previously by various researchers. Hence, the present study was done to explore the knowledge about medicinal plants used by locals of Lamgara region of Almora district. The present study include 27 plants used to cure various dental disorders such as toothache, tooth decay, pyorrhea, gingivitis, sore throat, mouth freshness etc. The present study includes 12 herbs, 6 shrubs and 9 trees belong to 17 families.
Himani Tiwari, Manju Lata Upadhyaya. Ethno medicinal plants used for dental health care in Almora district, Uttarakhand. J Med Plants Stud 2020;8(6):117-122.