The medicinal plant Ocimum hadiense is used against various illnesses. The plant was collected from Gomoro a sub zone of Mendefera and then washed with water and shed dried. The extraction involved sequential treatment of plant sample, using Soxhlet apparatus, with different solvents. The larvicidal activities of the crude extracts at a series of concentrations ranging from 50 to 400 mg/ml were tested against third instar larvae. The results suggest that the leaves and seed extract of Ocimum hadiense have been found effective in controlling mosquito larvae, which is why this plant is traditionally used in Eritrea and many other African countries. The formulation may prove to be an effective and eco-friendly larvicide. It has come to our attention that further research concerning the larvicidal properties of this plant should be done including toxicological studies, Purity- Activity Relationship and in vivoand in vitro antimalarial activities.