A detail pharmacognostic, physicochemical and phytochemical study of Kulattha churna for the management of Mutrashmari (Urolithiasis)
Dr. Mrinal Baishya, Dr. Bhabesh Das and Dhrubajyoti Sarma
A large number of the plants are claimed to possess the medicinal properties in the traditional system and are also used extensively by the people of Assam. Kulattha (Dolichos biflorus L) is a very well known and reputed medicinal herb in Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is known to possess a high potential to cure many diseases like renal calculi, Fever Cough and asthma Gulma etc. So it is a very important plant in the world of Ayurvedic medicine. The plant is commonly known as Horsegram. Such traditionally used herbs Formulations are needed to be standardized for the proper use by the people and also for the establishment of a unique identification data among the common species. Present study was carried out to get a standardised data of Kulattha. Even though this plant has gained scientific importance, there is a need of standardized data. Hence, in the present work the kulattha seeds churna were subjected to various pharmacognostical and phytochemical evaluations. In the microscopical studies, the different cell structures and arrangements were studied and in physical evaluation the ash values and extractive values were studied. The various pharmacognostical constants were obtained which could help in the development of a suitable monograph for the formulation. These studies are important in the way of acceptability of herbal drugs in present scenario of lacking regulatory laws to control quality of herbal drugs.
Dr. Mrinal Baishya, Dr. Bhabesh Das, Dhrubajyoti Sarma. A detail pharmacognostic, physicochemical and phytochemical study of Kulattha churna for the management of Mutrashmari (Urolithiasis). J Med Plants Stud 2021;9(6):33-36.