Ayurvedic management of trigeminal neuralgia through cannabis: A case report W.S.R. to Anantha vata
Dr. Chitranshu Saxena
Trigeminal neuralgia is a condition that is characterized by severe and unrelenting pain. It was once considered a suicide disease. The condition is managed through various medications and surgical procedures. As per Ayurvedic classics this condition has close proximity with the disease Ananthavata which is Sannipathika in nature. The name itself indicates the extremely vitiated vatadosha. The management is done with the use of Cannabis tincture for pain. This article describes a case report of 49 years old lady presented with trigeminal neuralgia. In present study, it is observed that Ayurvedic management has provided significant relief in symptoms and found reduced recurrence. The post effective pain relief was found with use of Cannabis tincture.
Dr. Chitranshu Saxena. Ayurvedic management of trigeminal neuralgia through cannabis: A case report W.S.R. to Anantha vata. J Med Plants Stud 2022;10(1):79-81. DOI: 10.22271/plants.2022.v10.i1b.1364