In all aspects pertaining to the reproductive system and to its activities and processes, reproductive health is a condition of whole physical, mental, and social well-being and not only the absence of disease or infirmity. For a healthy life a good sexual is necessary. The traditional treatments utilized by tribal people to treat both male and female reproductive illnesses were the focus of this investigation. Sambalpur District in Odisha's unrecognized tribes is widely known for its extensive knowledge of medicinal herbs. A study was conducted in the Sambalpur region of Odisha between January and February 2022 to identify the medicinal plant that the tribes used to address their reproductive issues. The Sambalpur tribes treated sexual problems with 14 species from 10 various groupings. Six species are utilized as sex stimulants, and four species are used to alleviate menstrual problems.
Akshya Kumar Mishra, Himansu Sekhara Mohapatra, Debashish Gardia, Aishwarya Khamari. A documentation of medical plants used by tribal people of the Sambalpur district of the Odisha for the treatment of reproductive health. J Med Plants Stud 2022;10(4):223-225.