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Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
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P-ISSN: 2394-0530, E-ISSN: 2320-3862

2022, Vol. 10, Issue 5, Part A

Phytochemical and antidiabetic evaluation of the solvent fractions of Coccinia barteri Hook F (Cucurbitaceae) on alloxan induced diabetic rats

Onugwu SO, Imoh MN and Onugwu AL

The use of natural anti-diabetic medications in treating diabetes is receiving more attention daily. This study evaluated the phytochemical constituents and anti-diabetic properties of the leaves of Coccinia barteri on alloxan induced diabetic rats. The powdered leaf was macerated in methanol for 72hrs and then fractionated with ethyl acetate, chloroform and aqueous methanol solvents. Phytochemical and analytical evaluations were done using standard methods. The toxicity study was carried out on mice using Lorke’s method. The Albino rats were divided into 8 groups of 4 rats each, 6 groups for the fractions and 2 for negative control and positive controls. Alloxan monohydrate (120 mg/kg) was used to induce diabetes. Treatment were with oral doses of the fractions (100 and 300mg/kg body weight) and Glibenclamide 5mg for 7days and their glucose levels were checked daily. The macroscopic and microscopic analysis showed dark green leaf, reticulate veination, smooth texture, fresh leafy odour, glandular trichome, wavy epidermal cell and anisocytic stomata. Analytical evaluation produced total ash (7.00), acid insoluble ash (0.93), water soluble ash (2.96), moisture content (8.40), alcohol extractive value (29.67), water extractive value (40.17) and ethyl acetate extractive value (21.00). The phytochemical analysis revealed flavonoids, alkaloids, steroids, glycosides and saponins are present. The anti-diabetic test revealed a significant decrease in the rat's fasting blood glucose especially in the aqueous methanol fraction (300 mg/kg). The least reduction was seen in chloroform fraction (100 mg/kg).The phytochemical constituents C.barteri has good anti-diabetic effects and can be used for further studies.
Pages : 34-38 | 959 Views | 392 Downloads

Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
How to cite this article:
Onugwu SO, Imoh MN, Onugwu AL. Phytochemical and antidiabetic evaluation of the solvent fractions of Coccinia barteri Hook F (Cucurbitaceae) on alloxan induced diabetic rats. J Med Plants Stud 2022;10(5):34-38. DOI: 10.22271/plants.2022.v10.i5a.1463
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