Phytochemical Analysis of Black Turmeric Curcuma Caesia Roxb.
Saurav Gaikwad, Siddhant Gadiya and Sham Tungar
Curcuma caesia Roxby.Is commonly known as kali haldi and it is the member of family Zingiberaceae. The plant has been used as antiparasitic, diuretic, hepatoprotective, Laxative and sedative ethanobotanically. The present investigation is carried out to brighten the phytochemical profile of rhizome extract of plant. The extracts (Methanolic, chloroform, Petroleum ether and water) show presence of phytoconstituent Alkaloids, Triterpenoid, Steroids, Saponin, Tannin, Flavonoids, Cardiac glycoside, Protein and amino acids, Carbohydrates, Fats and Fixed Oils. All these attribute magnify its significance in herbal medicine.