Proximate analysis, mineral contents, and GC-MS analysis of leaves, twigs, and thorns of Acacia Etbaica Schweinf
Ahmed Abdalla and Abdelazim A Ahmed
According to the results of a proximate study, the leaves of Acacia etbaica contained a considerable amount of crude protein (16.62%), total soluble amino acid (0.78 g/ml), total saccharides (135.33 mg/ml), crude fiber (40.28%), total ash (15.73%), and moisture (7.53%) contents. Compared to the national average, twigs had greater concentrations of crude protein (18.37%), total soluble amino acid (2.55 g/ml), total saccharide (76.90 mg/ml), crude fiber (50.31%), total ash (15.73%), and moisture (7.96%) contents. When compared to the leaves, the thorns had higher levels of crude protein (17.50%), total soluble amino acids (1.31 g/ml), and crude fiber (47.26%), but lower levels of total saccharides (89.33 mg/ml) and total ash (8.03%). Potassium (K), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), bromine (Br), rubidium (Rb), strontium (Sr), and zirconium (Zr) are all present in varying proportions in the leaves, twigs, and thorns of the studied plant parts. The GC-MS analysis showed the presence of phosphine imide, 2-aminobenzophenone and 3-aminobenzophenone compounds in all plant parts. 1, 3, 5-triphenyl-1, 5-pentanedione and Benzimidazole compounds were detected only in the leaves. Benzimidazole is an important compound in medicinal chemistry that possesses many pharmacological properties. Several drugs with high pharmaceutical activity have been synthesized using 2-amino benzophenone.
Ahmed Abdalla, Abdelazim A Ahmed. Proximate analysis, mineral contents, and GC-MS analysis of leaves, twigs, and thorns of Acacia Etbaica Schweinf. J Med Plants Stud 2023;11(2):08-11.