Effect of plant geometry and organic manures on growth and yield of Radish (Raphanus sativus L.)
Mamta Chahal and Harpreet Kaur
The present investigation entitled “Effect of plant geometry and organic manures on growth and yield of Radish (Raphanus sativus L.)” was conducted during 2020-2021 at the Campus for Research and Advanced Studies, Dhablan, GSSDGS Khalsa College, Patiala. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with three replications. The soil of the field was of clayey texture having slightly alkaline pH (7.9), medium in organic carbon (0.59%), medium in available nitrogen (262 kg ha-1), medium in available phosphorus (21.4 kg ha-1) and medium in available potassium (137 kg ha-1). The growth and yield of radish were significantly influenced by T9 (60 x 7.5 + Vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1. The maximum plant height (35.62 cm) was recorded from the treatment T3 which was at par with T6 (34.44 cm). The maximum leaf length at 20 DAS (14.24 cm) was observed with treatment T3 (30 x 7.5 + Vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1) which was at par with T6 (13.23 cm) and minimum leaf length was found with T10 control (7.41 cm). The highest root yield was recorded in the treatment T9 (60 x 7.5 + Vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1). The maximum root yield was recorded in T9 (330.78 q ha-1) which was at par with T6 (329.60 q ha-1).
Mamta Chahal, Harpreet Kaur. Effect of plant geometry and organic manures on growth and yield of Radish (Raphanus sativus L.). J Med Plants Stud 2023;11(4):08-11.