Traditional knowledge of folklore medicine among the people in and around Nagamalai hills of Madurai Dist in Tamil Nadu
A Ganesan
In and around of Nagamalai, people are well used to the medicinal plants to remediate them from diseases. Explorative field trips on finding diseases around the selected villages and to know about the whereabouts of the herbs/shrubs/plants were made to survey the medicinal quality of the plants and to collect the information from the villagers about them and their curative purposes. From this study, 28 species of valuable medicinal plants belonging to 21 families were recorded and their ethnomedicinal values were collected from the village people. This study focuses on the importance, preparation and utilization of the medicinal plants among the people of the select villages.
A Ganesan. Traditional knowledge of folklore medicine among the people in and around Nagamalai hills of Madurai Dist in Tamil Nadu. J Med Plants Stud 2023;11(4):20-22.