Potential traditional medicinal plants for COVID-19 management in Sri Lanka: A review
Dr. DVD Hemalika and RLIA Ranathunga
COVID-19 is a highly contagious respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2. It has had a significant global impact on public health, economies, and daily life. Therefore, many researchers do their studies towards the finding of the different treatments to combat COVID-19. Indeed, Sri Lanka is known for its rich diversity of medicinal plants. Traditional medicinal approaches in Sri Lanka, have been explored as potential supportive measures in combating COVID-19. Among them locally produced Sri Lankan herbal products such porridge mixers, Kasaya, Asamodgam, Peyawa, and Paspanguwa are become very popular among people. Therefore, it is worth to study the scientific evidence and background of the medicinal plants used to treat COVID-19. This review summarizes the potential traditional medicinal plants in Sri Lanka that is used for the treatment of COVID-19 with having enough reliable and scientific supportive evidence of their action.
Dr. DVD Hemalika, RLIA Ranathunga. Potential traditional medicinal plants for COVID-19 management in Sri Lanka: A review. J Med Plants Stud 2023;11(5):109-114. DOI: 10.22271/plants.2023.v11.i5b.1593