Study of pollination mechanism on Leucas aspera (Wild) link family lamiaceae
Renu Verma, Shobha Gupta and Rajshree Pandey
Leucas aspera is commonly known as Goma. The plants flower once in a year during September – February. The flowers are white sessile small zygomorphic, bilabiate, gullet shaped produced in verticils of terminal or axillary whorals and oriented horizontally to the axis. The flowers open each day during 6.00-7.30 hours. The open flowers are abundantly visited by honey bees, ants and butterflies for pollen and/or nectar. The honey bees Apis florea, A. C. indica, the digger bee Amegilla sp. Megachile sp. Anthophora zonata are the principal pollinators. During foraging visits of bees gains contact by their notaeum with essential organs and thus promote nototribic pollination. The small bodied Trigona, Ceratina,Apis florea collected pollen sternotribically.
Renu Verma, Shobha Gupta, Rajshree Pandey. Study of pollination mechanism on Leucas aspera (Wild) link family lamiaceae. J Med Plants Stud 2023;11(5):115-119.