Evaluation of different organic and bio-fertilization on growth and yield of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] under irrigated conditions
Arshpreet Kaur and Kamalesh Kumar
A field experiment was conducted during Zaid season of 2020-21 at the Campus for Research and Advanced Studies, Dhablan of the GSSDGS Khalsa College Patiala, Punjab. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design (RBD) with 13 different treatments with 3 replications. Different organic and bio-fertilization significantly influenced the growth, yield parameters and yield of cowpea crop. Among all the treatments, application of 3 t Poultry manure ha-1 + Rhizobium (Seed treatment) + 0.5 t Neem cake ha-1 fb 3% Panchagavya solution was superior over rest of the treatments in terms of growth parameters and for obtaining maximum seed yield (19.86 q ha-1), straw yield (53.25 q ha-1), biological yield (73.11 q ha-1) and harvest index (27.16%). Thus, the results of the experiment revealed the cowpea crop responded positively to combined application of organic manures, panchagavya solution and Rhizobium in terms of growth as well parameters and yield.
Arshpreet Kaur, Kamalesh Kumar. Evaluation of different organic and bio-fertilization on growth and yield of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] under irrigated conditions. J Med Plants Stud 2023;11(6):101-104.