The use of medicinal plants as stimulators of eroticism for well-being, health and self-steem in women and men
Samara Mendiola-Martínez, Tashia Lizbeth Dalila Pérez-Suarez, Nayeli Mariana Hernández-Vázquez, María de la Luz Hernández-Esquivel, Andrea Torrero-Díaz, Erika Monserrat Navarro-Araujo, Danna Marian Hernández-Pérez, Itzel Monserrat Delgado-Hernández and Juan Carlos Gallardo-Pérez
Since ancient times, plants have been used to treat human diseases in folk medicine, including sexual dysfunctions in both men and women, although it is still a taboo subject in many countries. In different cultures and populations, plants have also been used for another lesser-known purpose: the stimulation of eroticism, which not only promotes health but also increases people self-steem. This use remains hidden for various reasons, among which are: a) the shame of talking about it, b) the urgency of addressing a sexual dysfunction, and mainly c) the lack of adequate and concise studies that deal with this topic professionally and from a human sense. Valuable information, however, is implicit in various studies on treatments for sexual dysfunction. In this study a systematic review was carried out on native plants in databases in which the improve of symptoms of sexual dysfunction in women and men favored health, well-being and increased eroticism. Also, a pilot field study was carried out in traditional markets in Mexico City and Puebla City in Mexico to learn about the plants used by the general population to improve sexual health and the willingness to talk about this issue.
Samara Mendiola-Martínez, Tashia Lizbeth Dalila Pérez-Suarez, Nayeli Mariana Hernández-Vázquez, María de la Luz Hernández-Esquivel, Andrea Torrero-Díaz, Erika Monserrat Navarro-Araujo, Danna Marian Hernández-Pérez, Itzel Monserrat Delgado-Hernández, Juan Carlos Gallardo-Pérez. The use of medicinal plants as stimulators of eroticism for well-being, health and self-steem in women and men. J Med Plants Stud 2024;12(3):01-10. DOI: 10.22271/plants.2024.v12.i3a.1658