Chol: A traditional treatment method in pain therapy used by Baluch tribes in Taftan mountain, Sistan and Baluchestan province, Iran
Bahram Rigi Hossein Abadi, Christoph Neinhuis, Roja Safaeian and Thea Lautenschläger
Throughout the world, various forms of therapy, based on traditional treatment methods, exist to reduce pain. In Taftan Mountain region in Baluchestan, Iran, one such ancient healing method, Chol, is still in use today. In this study, we aim to explore the procedure, application, the plant species used, and its efficacy. In 2020, fifty traditional healers were interviewed using standardized questionnaires, and the results indicate that Chol is still an effective and locally accepted method for treating pain, except in cases involving children, pregnant women, and the elderly. 19 plant species from 11 families used to treat 16 different forms of pain were identified. Apiaceae, with six species (33%), is the most frequently used plant family. According to traditional healers, most of the plant species mentioned in this method are safe to use, even on multiple occasions, and can be considered for further research, especially in case of heat treatments.
Bahram Rigi Hossein Abadi, Christoph Neinhuis, Roja Safaeian, Thea Lautenschläger. Chol: A traditional treatment method in pain therapy used by Baluch tribes in Taftan mountain, Sistan and Baluchestan province, Iran. J Med Plants Stud 2024;12(3):109-117. DOI: 10.22271/plants.2024.v12.i3b.1672