Kab?bch?n? (Piper cubeba L.F.): A comprehensive review of its medicinal and therapeutic applications in Unani medicine
Toyiba Ibrahim, Mohd Afsahul Kalam, Naureen Naqqash, Snober Khan, Bisma Ashraf, Mohammad Uvais and Sana Bila Suhail
Piper cubeba, commonly known as cubebs, is a fruit obtained from the woody climber Piper cubeba of the Piperaceae family. This versatile plant has been extensively used in Unani medicine, serving as a condiment and a therapeutic agent. It has shown diuretic, emmenagogue, antitussive, analgesic actions. Therapeutically, it has been used to treat conditions like gonorrhoea, cystitis, rheumatism and urinary incontinence. Therefore, Piper cubeba emerges as a multifaceted botanical resource within Unani medicine, offering diverse therapeutic applications. This review provides valuable insights into its pharmacological composition and potential clinical implications.
Toyiba Ibrahim, Mohd Afsahul Kalam, Naureen Naqqash, Snober Khan, Bisma Ashraf, Mohammad Uvais, Sana Bila Suhail. Kab?bch?n? (Piper cubeba L.F.): A comprehensive review of its medicinal and therapeutic applications in Unani medicine. J Med Plants Stud 2024;12(4):429-434. DOI: 10.22271/plants.2024.v12.i4e.1737