Pankaj, Ankit Sharma, Kumari Shakshi, Shivani Thakur and Dhiraj Kumar
From the ancient times the herbal drugs are being used widely for various medication purposes and to treat various diseases and disorders. In modern times the herbal drugs are given first preference for any kind of medication, as they have very less or no side effects. Similarly, for migraine the herbal remedies can provide a better option for the treatment. Herbal products are promising ways to treat migraine headache in migraine patients. So, in this work we will study about the various herbal therapies that are effective for the prophylaxis of migraine. The chemical constituents present in Tanacetum Parthenium, Petasites hybridus, Ginkgo biloba, Ginger and Peppermint have shown efficacious results in clinical studies. Hence, in this study our main focus will be on a detailed understanding of the herbal remedies for migraine, we will be mainly focusing on their source, family, chemical constituents, their dosage forms and mode of action.
Pankaj, Ankit Sharma, Kumari Shakshi, Shivani Thakur, Dhiraj Kumar. Herbal drugs used for the treatment of migraine. J Med Plants Stud 2024;12(5):97-105.