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Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
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P-ISSN: 2394-0530, E-ISSN: 2320-3862

2024, Vol. 12, Issue 5, Part B

A Comparative pharmacognostical analysis of Guduchi stem (Tinospora cordifolia (Thunb.) Miers) and Sudarshana root (Crinum latifolium L.) powder W.S.R. of their anti-bacterial action on S. aureus

Dr. Arjun Grover, Dr. Deepak Verma and Dr. SK Sharma

Ayurveda is one of the most well-known traditional medicine systems that has endured and grown throughout the millennia. Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) has been utilized widely as a plant because of its promising therapeutic properties and enormous potential for health benefits. Due to the presence of several compounds of pharmaceutical relevance from diverse classes, including glycosides, sesquiterpenoids, alkaloids, diterpenoid lactones, and phenolics, tinospora cordifolia is incredibly beneficial. Sudarshana (Crinum latifolium L.) also known as Sukhdarshana, Chakrahva, Madhuparni etc. belongs to family Amaryllidaceae is widely used in ayurveda mainly for painful swellings, fevers of unexplained origin, poisoning and skin ailments. Present study is focused on Comparison of Renowed Tikta Dravya Guduchi Stem with An Anukta Dravya (Extra Pharmacopoeial Drug) Sudarshana Root for their Comparative Pharmacognostical, Phytochemical, Chromatographic and Anti-Microbial Activity on S. aureus. This will assist us with the plant material's identification and verification. Such data will be helpful in creating a monograph on the plant and can serve as a reference for accurate identification. Additionally, it will assist preserve the effectiveness, repeatability, and quality of natural medications by serving as a tool to identify adulterants and substitutes. Its research on antimicrobial properties may provide valuable pharmacological insights in the realm of therapeutics.
Pages : 118-124 | 278 Views | 154 Downloads

Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies
How to cite this article:
Dr. Arjun Grover, Dr. Deepak Verma, Dr. SK Sharma. A Comparative pharmacognostical analysis of Guduchi stem (Tinospora cordifolia (Thunb.) Miers) and Sudarshana root (Crinum latifolium L.) powder W.S.R. of their anti-bacterial action on S. aureus. J Med Plants Stud 2024;12(5):118-124. DOI: 10.22271/plants.2024.v12.i5b.1754
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