Socio-cultural and religious practices plants used by Sugali tribes of Krishna district, Andhra Pradesh, India
Nageswararao Naik B and Suneetha P
The sugali tribes of Krishna district worshipped gods and goddesses are numerous. They differ with locality family, customs and time. Closely linked to their taboos, festivals, rites and other cultural traditions is the surrounding vegetation that has been preserved on sacred ground. Many gods and goddesses were revered by the sugali tribes in the Krishna area. Under every holy tree in a sugalis community, a crude picture or fetish representing the local deities was frequently displayed. The three chosen mandals of Krishna district Konduru, Nuzvid and Vissanapet which include 24 Sugali thandas, were the study's locations. 40 plant species are linked to religious significance, local sociocultural practices and holy beliefs, according to the current study. They employ these plants often in their religious and sociocultural practices.
Nageswararao Naik B, Suneetha P. Socio-cultural and religious practices plants used by Sugali tribes of Krishna district, Andhra Pradesh, India. J Med Plants Stud 2024;12(5):132-138. DOI: 10.22271/plants.2024.v12.i5b.1756