P-ISSN: 2394-0530, E-ISSN: 2320-3862
Title and Authors Name |
Cardioprotective activity of methanolic extract of Croton sparciflorus on isoproterenol induced myocardial infarcted wistar albino rats J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 01-08 | 2328 views 360 downloads | country: India |
Some Medicinal and Aromatic Shrubs introduced in Herbal Garden for their Propagation and Ex-situ Conservation J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 09-12 | 2398 views 304 downloads | country: India |
Immunomodulatory and antioxidative potential of milk fortified with Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 13-19 | 2168 views 245 downloads | country: India |
Traditional medicine practices among the Yoruba people of Nigeria: a historical perspective J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 20-33 | 5865 views 2459 downloads | country: Nigeria |
Traditional knowledge of medicinal plants used to cure respiratory diseases in Krishna District of Andhra Pradesh, India J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 34-37 | 2244 views 274 downloads | country: India |
Growth responses of Lavandula pubescens to temperature regimes of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 38-41 | 1966 views 204 downloads | country: Saudi Arabia |
Ethno-medicinal uses and pharmacological activities of lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 42-46 | 2423 views 622 downloads | country: India |
Estimation of two primary metabolites from medicinally valuable plant “Ashwagandha” J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 47-49 | 2326 views 251 downloads | country: India |
Antimicrobial potential of the extracts of the twigs of Azadirachta indica (Neem): an in vitro study J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 53-57 | 2273 views 270 downloads | country: India |
A survey on medicinal wild flora of Gonda district of Uttar Pradesh J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 58-59 | 792 views 247 downloads | country: India |