P-ISSN: 2394-0530, E-ISSN: 2320-3862
Title and Authors Name |
Phytochemical and antimicrobial evaluation of a hemiparasitic mistletoe plant, Dendrophthoe falcata (L.F.) Ettingsh, parasitize on Artocarpus heterophyllus host tree J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 01-07 | 2519 views 555 downloads | country: India |
Volatile oil composition of aerial parts of Selinum tenuifolium Wall ex C.B. Clarke from western Himalaya of Uttrakhand, India J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 08-10 | 1944 views 221 downloads | country: India |
Effect of aqueous extract of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) leaves on germination and growth of some agricultural crops J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 11-13 | 2454 views 670 downloads | country: India |
Traditional knowledge on medicinal plants used by the Irula tribe of Kadambur Hills, Erode district, Tamil Nadu, India J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 14-17 | 2297 views 539 downloads | country: India |
Evaluation of antioxidants level in Triticum aestivum. L J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 18-23 | 1906 views 205 downloads | country: India |
In vitro Anti-infective and Antioxidant activity of Xylopia aethiopica [Dun.] A. Rich: A comparison of the fruits and leaves extracts J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 24-29 | 2084 views 357 downloads | country: Ghana |
New minor phytoecdysteroids from the juice of Serratula coronata L. (Asteraceae) J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 30-34 | 2244 views 170 downloads | country: Russia |
Documentation of traditional knowledge on edible wild plants of forests in Burdwan district, West Bengal (India) J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 35-38 | 1905 views 183 downloads | country: India |
Phytochemical screening for secondary metabolites of Opuntia dillenii Haw J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 39-43 | 4367 views 2214 downloads | country: India |
Documentation of traditional knowledge on medicinal plants of Thirukkanur village, Puducherry region, India J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 44-49 | 2236 views 523 downloads | country: India |