Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity in leaves of Gnetum ula, Brongn
V Priya and PV Anjana
The aim of the present study is to investigate the presence of phytochemical compounds and antimicrobial activities in the leaves of Gnetum ula using methanolic and hexane extract. Various concentrations of extracts have been used against the clinical microbes (fungal strains: Aspergillus niger, penicillium sp. and bacterial strains: Escherichia coli, Serratia sps. and Bacillus subtilis) using standard methods. Phytochemical screening in both extracts reveals the presence of alkaloids, flavonoid, glycoside, phenol, phytosterol, tannins, quinine, carbohydrate, protein and absence of saponin and triterpenoids. Antimicrobial studies indicate that the methanolic and hexane extracts inhibit the growth of microbes, but it may get altered due to different concentration levels. The study exhibits higher inhibition against the fungal strains than the bacterial strains.