P-ISSN: 2394-0530, E-ISSN: 2320-3862
Title and Authors Name |
Economically viable and ecologically sustainable tree of heaven “Simarouba glauca” J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 01-04 | 1466 views 607 downloads | country: India |
Uses, local practices and side effects of six medicinal plants in the sultanate of Oman: A review article J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 05-13 | 1868 views 747 downloads | country: Oman |
Extraction and molecular characterization of biological compounds from water hyacinth J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 14-19 | 3123 views 1076 downloads | country: India |
Phytochemical and Phytomineral (macro and trace) compositions of the leaf, stem bark and root of Blighia sapida K.D. Koenig J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 20-24 | 1396 views 301 downloads | country: Nigeria |
Anti-urolithiasis activity of Vaccinium macrocarpon fruits: An in vitro study J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 25-31 | 1884 views 866 downloads | country: India |
A detailed characteristic feature of pharmacognostical, physicochemical and phytochemical studies explored in Emblica officinalis Gaertn. (Euphorbiaceae) J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 32-37 | 1753 views 861 downloads | country: India |
Medicinal plant vasaka could be a therapeutic option for the management of COVID-19 symptoms J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 44-48 | 1374 views 329 downloads | country: India |
An appraisal on antiviral assets of some spices J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 49-51 | 1152 views 271 downloads | country: India |
A review on pharmacognostical and phytochemical study of (Digera muricata L.) J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 52-56 | 2393 views 1056 downloads | country: India |