P-ISSN: 2394-0530, E-ISSN: 2320-3862
Title and Authors Name |
Elevated levels of 3 different MS medium micronutrients CuSO4, MnSO4 and ΖnSO4 on in vitro shoot proliferation of Sideritis raeseri Boiss & Heldr – Hellenic Mountain tea of Velouchi or Parnassus J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 86-93 | 1845 views 321 downloads | country: Greece |
Leaf Stomatal behavior of useful plant species to Borari indigenous people - Novo Lugar Community, Pará-Brazil J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 94-98 | 1774 views 254 downloads | country: Brazil |
Medicinal plant resources of Bilaspur, Hamirpur and Una districts of Himachal Pradesh: An ethno-botanical enumeration J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 99-110 | 2885 views 1174 downloads | country: India |
A study on extraction of Ajoene from Allium sativum and its applications J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 111-116 | 2678 views 861 downloads | country: India |
Phyllanthus reticulatus for oral health J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 117-119 | 2478 views 875 downloads | country: India |
A preliminary report on the traditional practice for dental and oral health care in Bargarh district of western Odisha, India J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 120-125 | 2250 views 667 downloads | country: India |
Productivity of new sweet plant in Morocco (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) under water stress J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 126-131 | 1803 views 238 downloads | country: Macao |
Effect of different tree shading on the growth and yield of Curcuma aromatica salisb J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 132-136 | 1777 views 281 downloads | country: India |
Potential uses of ancient herbal preparations against non-communicable diseases J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 142-145 | 1871 views 232 downloads | country: Sri Lanka |